Guaranteed. You have our word.
How much clearer can you get?
What a powerful customer service guarantee!
Here’s the body copy from L.L. Bean’s Website:
I’ve been a huge fan of L.L. Bean for years and became an even bigger fan last Friday.
Last week, I was getting my favorite coat out of my closet for Fall – an original L.L. Bean Field Coat in Saddle – and making my plans to head to my alma mater Kent State’s homecoming.
Suddenly, I realized that I’ve been wearing this Field Coat (created in 1924) for nearly 15 years! I love it and there is still absolutely nothing wrong with it – it’s a terrific coat – but I’ve been wearing this jacket to homecoming every year!
I went through some old photos and proved it!
So, I went online and decided to get a new Stone Field Coat which is better than my old one and about the same price that I paid years ago! It’s a fantastic coat, but what amazes me about L.L. Bean is how they’ve stayed true to their roots and excelled as a private, family business.
If you’re trying hard to build your business the right way and need a little hope, grab a coffee and read L.L. Bean’s fascinating, refreshing story – their principles when they were small are the same as they are today when L.L. Bean remarked,
“I do not consider a sale complete until goods are worn out
and customer still satisfied.”
From my experiences, I’m not surprised that L.L. Bean was once again the first place winner (tops 3 of 5 years) selected by shoppers in the annual NRF Foundation/American Express® Customers’ Choice survey back in January. According to shoppers, the top ten* retailers for customer service are:
- L.L.Bean
- Coldwater Creek
- Lands’ End
- JCPenney
- Kohl’s, and Nordstrom (tied)
I know it’s hard for small to medium sized businesses to sometimes wrap their heads around the successes and lessons to be learned from larger brands, but you can learn a ton from L.L. Bean’s commitment to customer service, satisfaction, quality, systems and innovation.
Go online and buy something from L.L. Bean or even better, call in an order and you’ll be WOWED!
P.S.: Here’s a great interview from L.L. Bean’s president Chris McCormick about L.L. Bean’s customer service secrets.