Heading into last November, with 5,000+ emails in my inbox, and lots of projects in my queue (as a result of a successful year and great prospects for a banner year in 2012) I decided to go on a ‘Digital Diet.’ I’m happy to report that I’m still living and breathing and more successful and happy than I was last fall.

Taking a 30,000 feet look (digital media intervention) at all of the media channels I was engaged in such as my client work, objectives and goals (professional, personal and my happiness index), I started to purge a ton of digital media from my diet that was making me ill, constipated, lethargic, chubby and slow.

I worked hard to ‘detox my inbox’ by purging select eNewsletters, and various marketing blogs from my diet as well as some people I followed (at least tried to)  on Twitter because I found there to be too much noise on my channel and I was missing out on some real good stuff. Yes, I ‘fired’ some Twitter folks I was following who were following me – a little tough love was needed. There are several more digital things I stopped gorging myself with and one big thing I dropped was Blog posting to my own BrandMill site and decided to simply ‘listen and observe’ for a few months.

Silly me. I thought the clever term “Digital Diet” was all mine for awhile until I discovered – as I often do – that I’m not all that smart and that there already was an excellent book on how to take a Digital Diet by Daniel Sieberg which will help you – it sure has helped me.

Read the book – it’s a  good one that offers a 4-step plan to break your digital addiction and give you more balance in your life.

I feel a lot lighter now and am much more happy.

And, while I’m happily back to Blogging (it helps attract new business), I plan to schedule a quarterly Digital Diet and complete Digital Fasts from time to time to keep my head and my pipes clean.

Try it you’ll like it!

P.S.: Have a little fun and compute your Virtual Weight Index (VMI) by clicking here.