I recently came across this article from the Economist Intelligence Unit that discusses how CMOs must change to survive and thrive in 2009 and beyond. No doubt I agree with it.

I don't care if you're a CMO of a Fortune 500 firm or the CMO of your family's pizza shop we're all pressured to keep pace with rapidly changing
digital media and the impact of globilization on the world's economy.

Those who succeed will quickly (if they haven't already done so) move beyond
traditional marketing methods to drive brand awareness to a more
"transformative role, driving innovation across the entire business."

Some of the 7 key best practices highlighted by this study include:

  1. Balancing global brand awareness with local market relevance.
  2. Integrating marketing with other forms of corporate communications. 
  3. Adopting new media. 
  4. Developing new skills, capabilities—and partnerships. 
  5. Championing innovation.
  6. The need for greater accountability for marketing expenditures.
  7. CMOs need to become the
    corporate champion of customer insights.

Click here to download the briefing paper Future Tense: The Global CMO free of charge.