We’re a Strategic Marketing Consultancy That Solves Problems with Proven Marketing Systems
BrandMill is perhaps best described as a sales and marketing problem solving company. We help clients find solutions to their immediate problems, as well as revolutionary and long-term, evolutionary market opportunities too. Our virtual “hub and spoke” agency structure ensures that the right team of talent is working on your business at any given time to deliver a cost-effective investment for you on time and on budget with results. Our brand marketing and communications solutions are always “right on!” That is, right on strategy, right on time and right on budget to drive your sales and profits onward and upward! No matter what your business or industry, we can help you to profitably increase your sales and customer loyalty. If business as usual is not building your business, contact BrandMill Managing Partner Stephen Wayhart at 412.401.0555 for a consultation today.

New Cultural Celebrations for Boutique Hotels
We pride ourselves on leading our clients through innovative ideas [...]

Iron City Beer is Marketer of the Year Due to Product Launch Success
Pittsburgh Brewing Marketer of the Year December 7, 2014 By Stephen Wayhart Leave [...]

Winter White Wedding Drives 400% Sales Increase for Boutique Hotel
Our client the Priory Hospitality Group experienced a difficult sales challenge for [...]

Whiskey Rebellion II Campaign Wins Grand Marketer of the Year
We led the "Whiskey Rebellion II" marketing strategy and rebranding [...]
Idlewild & SoakZone
Founded in 1878 as a simple picnic ground along the [...]

In the Locker Room with Tunch and Wolf Radio Show Launched Without Money
In the Locker Room with Tunch and Wolf Radio Show [...]